HMD Global which holds the patent to the Nokia brand has launched the Nokia 105 and Nokia 105 Plus feature phones in India. Both the phones come with a solid build quality and excellent battery life all packed in a modern design that looks par for the course. The design is such that it makes a snug fit in the hands and is comfortable to hold as well. The colour scheme used is such that scratches and other signs of daily use do not become visible right away. The Nokia 105 comes with an FM radio which together with the built-in games makes it an excellent entertainment device as well. The Nokia 105 Plus, on the other hand, features an MP3 player, auto call recording, and memory card, all of which make it a great value for money phone in the category.
Nokia 105 and 105 Plus price, availability, and colour options
The Nokia 105 is currently available to buy for a starting price of Rs. 1,299 and is available in shades of Charcoal and Blue.
The Nokia 105 Plus starts at Rs. 1,399 and is also available to buy right now. The phone comes with the colour options Charcoal and Red.
Both the phones can be bought from leading online and offline retail stores in India apart from the Nokia e-commerce website.
Nokia 105 Plus features
The Nokia 105 Plus offers users some nice features which include an MP3 Player, auto call recording, and FM radio. The almost unending battery life happens to be another highlight of the phone. Nokia said the phone comes with a 1000 mAh which it is claiming has a stand-by time of 18 hours. There are powerful speakers too which ups the entertainment quotient further. The good thing here is that you don’t need to have a headset to listen to the radio. Apart from these, the Nokia 105 Plus also comes pre-loaded with some nice games which include the ever popular Snake game that can keep you glued to the little display for hours on end. Then there is enough storage onboard to hold 2000 contacts and another 500 SMSs.
Nokia 105 features
The budget version in the Nokia 105 series, here too you have FM radio which you can make the most of without requiring a headset. There are several pre-loaded games as well including the crowd favourite Snake game as well. The 105 also comes with an ergonomic design that is strong and durable while being a joy to hold.