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Team PC-Tablet

Nitin Agarwal: Nitin started PC-Tablet because of his keen interest in space research, technology, and gadgets. He is an avid reader, technology enthusiast, and like to explore new places. His passion for knowledge keeps him running all the time.

You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or drop an email at editor@pc-tablet.com.

Mohammed Faizan Azmathullah: Dr Faizan hails from the city of Nizams, Hyderabad, and is currently pursuing his M.D. from there only. He is an internet wizard and has a keen passion for All Things Internet. Both Nitin & Faizan founded the PC-Tablet brand in order to provide the latest insights over the technology and consumer electronics markets of the US and South Asia.

Alice Jane: Alice is the senior writer and responsible for managing software and tablets section of PC-Tablet. She is very passionate about Gadgets & Technology and always looking around to use them in an innovative way in daily life. She reviews Gadgets & Applications to tell users about their optimum use to get the most out of in which they’ve put their time and hard earned money. You can contact her at alice@pc-tablet.com.

Allen Parker: Allen is a qualified writer and a blogger, who loves to dabble with and write about technology. While focusing on and writing on tech topics, his varied skills and experience enables him to write on any topic related to tech which may interest him. You can contact him at allen@pc-tablet.com.

James Miller: Senior writer & Rumors Analyst, James is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology. You can contact him at james@pc-tablet.com.

Jamie Davidson: Our senior rumours analyst, Jamie is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Chess player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology.

Joshua Bartholomew: A casual guy with no definite plans for the day, he enjoys life to the fullest. A tech geek and coder, he also likes to hack apart hardware. He has a big passion for Linux, open source, gaming and blogging. He believes that the world is an awesome place and we’re here to enjoy it! He’s currently the youngest member of the team. You can contact him at joshua@pc-tablet.com.

Kanisha Parks: Kanisha is an all-around geek who loves learning new stuff every day. With a background in computer science and a passion for web-based technologies and Gadgets, she focuses on writing about Web Trends, Smartphones and Tablets. You can contact her at kanisha@pc-tablet.com.

Mary Woods: Mary nurses a deep passion for any kind of technical or technological happenings all around the globe. She is currently putting up in Miami. Internet is her forte and writing articles on the net for modern day technological wonders are her only hobby. You can find her at mary@pc-tablet.com.

Rahul Gaur: With over the past 10 years of experience as a content specialist, he has worked to build successful web publications focusing on SEO and researching, writing, editing and publishing content.

Ritik Singh: Being a tech aficionado, Ritik is highly fanatic about smartphones and computers since childhood. He has good experience in reviewing gadgets and loves shooting random videos. Above all, he believes in continuous learning and is ardent about writing on tech. At PC-Tablet, he accounts for updating the readers with the latest happenings in the tech industry, accompanied by the sporadic waves of reviews, tips and listicles.

For further queries, you can use our Contact us page or shoot an email at editor@pc-tablet.com.