Lenovo K6 Power is slated to launch in India on November 29 at 3PM and it will be a Flipkart exclusive. The handset will be available in Dark Grey, Gold, and Silver color variants. As part of the launch event, Lenovo is conducting a special event in New Delhi. The event will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook from 2.30PM.
Lenovo K6 Power specifications
Talking about the specifications, the Lenovo K6 Power features a 5-inch FHD IPS display, Snapdragon 430 processor, Adreno 505 graphics, 3GB RAM, 32GB internal storage with an ability to extend up to 256GB via microSD card. However, the Lenovo K6 Power will also be available in 2GB RAM and 16GB storage variant.
The rear camera in Lenovo K6 Power will be equipped with a 13MP sensor with LED flash and PDAF, while the front-facing camera offers an 8MP sensor. The handset also offers 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.1, and GPS. The K6 Power will be loaded with Android 6.0 Marshmallow platform.
Lenovo K6 Power features 4000mAh battery
The main attraction of Lenovo K6 Power is the integration of a 4000mAh battery. Recently, Xiaomi has also released Redmi 3S and Redmi 3S Prime with a 4000mAh battery. The handset also offers a fingerprint sensor with a metal unibody design. The sounding system is powered by Dolby Atmos-powered sound.
The upcoming K6 Power will be an online only offering. This means the handset will not be available with offline retailers. In the past, Lenovo has launched the Vibe K4 Note and Vibe K5 Note series in India.
Previously, the K6 series was launched in Berlin in September by Lenovo. The company had launched K6 Note, K6, and K6 Power during the launch event. However, the company has only announced the release of K6 Power in India. We don’t have any information about when the other variants will be available in India.