OnePlus has kicked off its Diwali Dash Sale and it is the last day you can buy the OnePlus 3 for just Re. 1. The company is offering its OnePlus Gear, accessories as well as its latest smartphone OnePlus 3 for as low as Re. 1 to celebrate Diwali with its fans. The sale has already started on its recently launched e-commerce platform starting October 24. It’s a three-day sale that starts at 12 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM every day for three days.
OnePlus also shared about the OnePlus 3 contest on Twitter –
Want to win a OnePlus 3? Head over to to participate in our #OnePlusDiwaliDash contest now!
— OnePlus India (@OnePlus_IN) October 19, 2016
Steps to participate in the competition:
Participating in the competition is very easy. You just need to Sign up for OnePlus account. After that, verify your mobile number and add your address details. Share about OnePlus Diwali Dash sale and you are done. Here’s the official OnePlus site to sign up.
To increase your chances of winning, invite a maximum number of friends to sign up for sale or ask them to purchase from OnePlus Store (India). Also, share OnePlus Facebook post to more number of people. Once the OnePlus 3 gets in your cart, users need to pay within 3 hours, or the deal will expire.
The name of the winners will be announced at the end of the competition on October 28 at every OnePlus official website – Facebook, Twitter, Forums and OnePlus India website.