The 32-inch smart TV segment in India is among the most under-represented, and Sony has done its bit to redress the same by launching its new 32W830 Smart Android LED TV in the country. Unfortunately, the TV, while coming across in a compact form factor, isn’t quite so when it comes to the price, which at Rs. 31,990 is among the costliest in the segment.
Sony is justifying the high price tag with the wide range of features the TV comes equipped with. Then of course there is the appeal that the Sony brand comes with, which also stands for high build quality and excellent after-sales service. Otherwise, the new 32W830 is comparable to even 43-inch or 50-inch smart Ultra HD TVs from brands such as VU, or sometimes even Samsung as well.
Sony 32W830 Smart Android TV features and specifications
The new Sony 32W830 Smart Android TV comes with a resolution of 1366 x 768 and supports HDR10 and HLG formats. That however is only at the processing and compatibility level as the display won’t be able to output in the specified formats. Nonetheless, the nitty-gritty of the specs apart, Sony is claiming vivid colors and deep contrast which allows for stunning picture quality.
That is not all as with the X-Reality Pro technology on board, the TV is able to upscale each pixel to deliver full HD quality display. Then there is the Live Color feature as well which Sony said works by expanding the colors so that smudging or dulling of the images.
Apart from the display, the other aspect that too contributes almost in equal measure to allow for a truly immersive viewing experience is sound. Towards that, the 32W830 Smart TV boasts of Clear Phase feature Dolby Audio which translates to a loud and clear sound output that is devoid of any distortions or other disturbances.
All of this is achieved by sampling the speaker frequency with higher precision. Any inaccuracies in speaker response is then compensated so that you have smooth and even reproduction of all frequencies. In the end, you have a sound that matches the display in clarity and vividness. Specifically, it is 20W of audio output that the TV is capable of.
The TV, otherwise, runs Android though Sony isn’t revealing the version number. It comes integrated with Google Chromecast, besides supporting Google Assistant via the voice-enabled remote or any smart speaker system that the TV might have been linked up with.
Other tech features include 16 GB of native storage for the over 5000 apps that the TV supports. The TV also supports Bluetooth 4.2 for wireless audio connection, besides having three HDMI ports, two USB ports, and a 3.5 mm headphone jack.
Another cool feature of the TV is the X-Protection pro technology that it supports. It allows for better protection against dust and humidity. That apart, the TV is subjected to the highest standards of quality control tests, including lightning tests as well to ensure safety against lightning strikes or sudden power surges.
Price and availability
The Sony 32W830 is priced Rs. 30,990 and is available in India starting April 15, 2021, onwards. The TV can be procured from almost all online and offline retailers and Sony Centers across India.