Samsung India recently concluded a month-long camapign called #IndiaReadyAction’. The main idea behind the campaign was to break stereotypes about India. Samsung stated that recent findings in a survey suggest that India is heavily stereotyped by foreigners.
“To them, the Taj Mahal or river Ganga is the only major tourist attraction in the country; [for them] food means spice and curries, and entertainment means only Bollywood and cricket. There is little awareness of the other possibilities in real India,” said Samsung.
The company asked users to post a 60-second clip on Instagram which could show that there’s more to India than just Taj Mahal and Bollywood. The idea was to break stereotypes associated with the country.
Samsung gave seven Galaxy A7 smartphones every week to the winners, while ten 43-inch smartTVs and ten Galaxy A80 smartphones were given to the most interesting videos.
“At Samsung, we take pride in our understanding of what Indian millennials seek. #IndiaReadyAction provided young millennials a platform to showcase Real India through their video creation capabilities. The campaign drew strong participation with millennials from across the country sending in their unique video content, attempting to break several stereotypes that exist about India,” said Ranjivjit Singh, Chief Marketing Officer, Samsung India.
The company relied on millennials and Gen-Z to provide impetus to the campaign. Anyone smartphone user was allowed to take part in the campaign by posting a 60-second video, as campaign was not restrcited to just Samsung users.
“We are not going to restrict it to only to Samsung users. People with any smartphone can participate,” added Singh.
After users uploaded their videos on Instagram, the company then filtered the videos posted on its micro-site to ensure “brand safety” and removed any content that seemed profane or controversial. The campaign recently closed and winners have also been announced.