Realme announced its flagship X50 Pro 5G is set for an official launch in India on February 24 at an event in Delhi. The company had earlier scheduled the launch of the X50 Pro at the MWC. However, with the event having been cancelled, Realme is now holding an online event in Madrid, Spain on Feb. 24 to launch the phone. And from what seems evident the company is holding a simultaneous launch event in India as well.
There is an interesting twist to Realme holding the launch event on Feb. 24 in India, since by doing do it will be beating iQOO in becoming the first to launch a 5G phone in the country running SD865. IQOO had previously been aiming for that title when it announced the launch of its iQOO 3 smartphone on Feb. 25, which too will be featuring the flagship processor as well as 5G capabilities.
In any case, the Realme X50 Pro 5G too is an equally exciting phone to look forward to given the sort of specs it is confirmed to come with. Those include a 90 Hz display, support for 65W SuperDart Charge technology that should allow the battery to recharge in real quick time and a dual punch hole at the front that points to something exciting for selfie enthusiasts too.
Then there sure is the flagship Snapdragon 865 processor which coupled to 5G capabilities does make for some bleeding edge performance. However, there is no way buyers can make the most of that 5G modem here given that India is yet to have a 5G network in place, and none of that is expected to be ready in another year at least.
Among the other X50 Pro specs that are being rumoured include 12 gigs of memory along with 26 gigs of native storage. That should be on the top-end version of the phone, along with support for at least a terabyte of memory via external solutions. The phone should also be running the Realme UI based on the latest Android 10. A quad camera setup at the rear is being expected too, with a telephoto lens having 20x zoom feature.
Stay tuned for the complete story as it unfolds on February 24.