Home News NASA’s Juno spacecraft captures images of Jupiter and its moons

NASA’s Juno spacecraft captures images of Jupiter and its moons

NASA has released the images taken by the natural light camera aboard Juno spacecraft which has been successfully inserted into Jupiter’s orbit. The photograph was taken from a distance of 3 million miles where the craft is currently located.

The image clearly shows the Jovian planet’s massive Red Spot – A storm which has been raging for centuries. Also visible are the three moons of the Red Giant- Io, Europa, and Ganymede. The Solar-powered Craft reached its destination after five years long journey. The actual mission will commence now and will last for 20 months.

After completion of the mission, the craft will start its journey in the dense and cloudy atmosphere of Jupiter where it will be incinerated. It was necessary to prevent any chance of contaminating possible Alien life on Europa, which is believed to harbor an ocean of water under its frozen surface.

The instruments aboard the Juno spacecraft were switched off as a precaution. The craft will have to endure the intense radiations of the Jovian planet. The instruments will be turned on in phased manner later.

Also Read: NASA’s Juno spacecraft will decode Jupiter’s hidden secrets: Everything explained

The latest pictures sent by the craft do not have much scientific value but will be uploaded by NASA on the Juno website where it can be accessed by the public. Still, the picture has confirmed one thing, everything is well aboard the spacecraft, and it is ready to unravel the mystery of the biggest member of the solar system.

The camera aboard the craft has been named JunoCam and is a visible light camera which has been designed to take pictures of the poles of the planet, and also it’s cloud tops which the spacecraft will be skimming in its closest approach to the world. It will also help scientists’ figure out what lays beneath the cloud layers and if there is any solid surface on the Red Giant believed to be made up mostly of Helium and Hydrogen.


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