Apple’s MacBook Pro line-up is reportedly set to get the most significant upgrade after four years, as the company soon plans to unveil new 13-inch and 15-inch variants of its MacBook Pro range with Retina displays. According to a report from Bloomberg, Apple is developing an entirely new MacBook Pro that’ll come with new features such as a Touch ID sensor along with an OLED mini screen above the keyboard replacing the traditional function keys. Notably, these changes will be the first significant overhaul for the MacBook Pro range in four years, which has only seen minor upgrades in the past few years. Well-informed KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has already been hinting at the fact the new MacBook Pro is going to be a major release.
MacBook Pro 2016 Rumored Specs
For starters, the upcoming MacBook Pro 2016 is expected to be thinner and lighter, with smaller bezels around the display and a compact overall frame. Apple is also expected to add more than one port, and could switch to the latest USB Type-C standard featuring the MagSafe port along with a Thunderbolt port. Powering the new MacBook range could be Intel’s Skylake processors, to further bolster the performance and offer improved energy management.
Also Read: MacBook Pro 2016 release date: Early release to counter falling sales
Though the most significant change would be the addition of the new OLED display right above the keyboard, which would essentially replace the standard function keys with a touchscreen. We are still not sure as to the kind of new functionality the new OED strip would offer. But it could be used to control functions such as such volume and media inputs, along with the ability to display shortcuts and pop-up app notifications.
In addition, the company is also planning to add a Touch ID sensor in the upcoming Mac. The integration of the TouchID would allow users to unlock the laptop doing away the need to type a password. Besides, the Touch ID sensor would also come with a secure enclave, which essentially gives the laptop and added layer of security making it more secure. It would also allow app developers use Touch ID for other functionalities. More importantly, it would make Apple Pay far more safe for macOS Sierra.
Besides, Apple may even offer the new MacBook Pro laptops in different color options, including gray, gold and silver. The report further adds that Apple will not announce the new MacBook Pro at the iPhone launch event likely to happen on September 7.
The is indeed good news for MacBook fans, as the last significant upgrade for the MacBook range was in 2012, when it was overhauled with a Retina display and a thinner design.