Huawei, the Chinese smartphone maker, had posted an image in an ad entailing that it was taken using the premium smartphone camera. The company was forced to tender an apology.
A tech site had earlier unearthed the fact that the picture used in the advertisement was not clicked by the Leica- the dual-lens camera of the Smartphone but by another SLR camera. The Chinese device maker was found making false claims about its new P9 Smartphone, which was launched in Australia 10 days ago. The latest Smartphone has incorporated Leica camera technology. Last week, the company made big claims about how the device can take pictures in low light conditions.
The only hitch in the picture perfect scene was that the image which was shown as taken by the Smartphone was shot using a Canon EOS 5D Mark III DSLR camera. It did not need much effort to expose this folly and all that was necessary was to open up the image specifications to reveal the real truth about the photograph.
However, this is not the first time that a company has been caught engaging in what could be defined as acts which were not very honorable. Nokia had also cooked up a story about its PureView Lumia 920 Smartphone ads three years ago. It also had to issue an apology after its fraud was caught.
The P9 is an excellent smartphone and falls midway among high-end handsets. One of the features of the device was its Leica-branded dual-camera system. It is not the best smartphone camera in the world and cannot rub shoulders with leaders like Samsung Galaxy S7 and iPhone 6 Plus. Huawei, however, harped on its camera quality but used a picture taken by a DSLR camera which it pushed as one taken by the P9 camera.