Airtel was in the new for quite sometime when we heard that the company is about to launch 4G VoLTE powered Android smartphone at an affordable price. The day has finally come, the company has launched the Karbonn A40 at an effective price of Rs. 1399 in India. It also introduced a brand new plan at Rs. 169 which gives unlimited calls and 500MB data per day for 28 days. You need to make a down payment of Rs. 2899 for the 4G phone and recharge it with the 169 plan for 36 months, and you will be given a cash refund of Rs. 500 after 18 months and Rs. 1000 after 36 months making the effective price Rs. 1399.
You can do any desired recharge you want, but to get the refund, you have stick to the 169 plan. The launch is part of the Airtel’s Mera Pehla 4G Smartphone and the company will now partner with various smartphone manufacturers and will create an eco-system of affordable 4G phones. The smartphones will be available across all retail stores in India.
Karbonn A40 Indian specifications
The Karbonn A40 sports a 4-inches WVGA (800 × 480 pixels) display and is powered by the 1.3 GHz quad-core processor coupled with 1GB RAM and 8GB internal memory that is expandable via microSD. The device runs on Android 7.0 Nougat OS right out of the box.
In the camera department, there is a 5-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 0.3-megapixel front camera. Connectivity features include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, and GPS. A 1400mAh battery is on board for battery needs.