Apple has launched MacBook Pro 2016 with Touch Bar in India. A Kerala-based IT retailer has confirmed the availability. The Cupertino-based tech giant silently launched the laptop without conducting any launch event. As of writing this, the MacBook Pro 2016 is listed on the official Apple India site with pricing. There is no option to buy from the official Apple site but you can contact an authorized dealer in your city to verify the availability.
There are reports that the new MacBook Pro 2016 with Touch Bar is available with few select dealers. An IT dealer, Itnet Infocom, based in Kochi, Kerala has confirmed the availability of the new MacBook Pro on Facebook in reply to a query posted by a customer.
The retailer also uploaded the price chart of all variants of new MacBook Pro series. The 13-inch variant of MacBook Pro with Intel Core i5 processor and 256GB storage is priced at Rs. 1,55,900. The Core i7 variant is listed at Rs. 2,05,900. However, the 512GB storage model is priced at a slightly higher level at Rs. 2,41,900.
We are unable to view the new MacBook Pro 2016 on any of the e-commerce portals like Flipkart, Amazon. We expect that the stocks will be on the way and hit the retail shelves within the next 15 days. You can expect the widespread availability of the new MacBook before the end of December.
MacBook Pro 2016 specifications
On the specifications front, the MacBook Pro 2016 with Touch Bar features a 13.3-inch and 15.4-inch LED IPS display with 500nits brightness. The laptop is available in with and without touch bar. Talking about storage, the new MacBook is only available in 256GB and 512GB variants with 8GB RAM.
While the touch bar model is equipped with Intel Iris Graphics 550 graphics, the MacBook Pro without touch bar features Iris Graphics 540. Moreover, the touch bar model includes Four Thunderbolt 3 ports as opposed to two in the normal MacBook Pro.
Even though both variants ships with Stereo speakers with high dynamic range technology, the touch bar model offers three microphones instead of two in the normal model.
The 15-inch MacBook Pro offers Intel Core i7 processor with both 256GB and 512GB storage. However, the laptop offers 16GB of RAM. It also packs a Radeon Pro 450 (256GB) and Radeon Pro 455 (512GB) graphics processor with four Thunderbolt 3 ports.
We don’t have any information about the availability of the new MacBook Pro in online platforms. We will continue to monitor the e-commerce channels and update about the availability.