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Twitter still bigger than Instagram, but Facebook still the most popular

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Instagram reported in December last year that its total number of monthly users surpassed 300 million. This was a big news mostly because at that time, Twitter’s monthly user count was 284 million. Instagram outnumbered Twitter in terms of monthly user count and it was a big deal.

Ever since Instagram announced the milestone, Twitter has been desperately trying to get its users back on its platform by introducing new features and improvements. However, a new survey conducted by GlobalWebIndex found that in terms of popularity and total number of users, Twitter is quite ahead of Instagram.

According to data from GlobalWebIndex, Twitter is in third place in terms of active users, just behind leading social media Facebook and YouTube. Instagram, in terms of both active users and account numbers, is fifth in the list.

Between Twitter and Instagram is Google+ with fourth place in terms of social networks with most active users.

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GlobalWebIndex surveyed over 170,000 internet users in 32 countries who are 16 years or older. It found that out of those 32 countries it surveyed, Instagram users are more active than Twitter in only Sweden and Hong Kong.

Facebook still remains the largest social network in the world with 81 percent of users between the age of 16 and 64 who have internet access.

GlobalWebIndex said that Instagram’s user accounts saw a spark mostly because of spam and fake accounts. Instagram admitted that it had problem with the surge of millions of fake users on its platform just days after the company announced the 300 million user mark.

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