Telegram Messenger in its latest update has launched new series of interesting features to enhance user experience. These include the Telegram Emoji Platform, animated emoji in messages and captions, custom emoji packs, the ability to give Telegram Premium as a gift, a new privacy setting for voice messages, and more.
Recently, Telegram surpassed 700 million active users and introduced its premium services. This move lets anyone support the development of Telegram and get access to exclusive additional features which are extensive in nature. Moreover, to further improve this experience, the app has introduced some premium features along with its regular app update mentioned below.
Commenting on this occasion Pavel Durov, Founder and CEO, Telegram on his blog said, “It was an interesting engineering challenge to ensure that hundreds of vector-based emoji with smooth animations could simultaneously play on the screen of any mobile phone. Telegram is the first company ever to have implemented this in a mobile app. Adding custom emoji to the text of any message is just the first step of the upcoming visual revolution on Telegram. In a few weeks, users will be able to add any custom emoji as a reaction to a message and display an emoji as their current status next to their name. All of this will become available to Premium subscribers first because they are the ones who make it possible for Telegram to stay free and private for everyone.”
Gifting Telegram Premium
Premium users can now share their exclusive experience with friends, family and coworkers by sending them a prepaid subscription for 3, 6 or 12 months – at a discount.
Custom Animated Emoji
With this new open emoji platform, premium users can upload custom packs with unique art styles and characters. Premium users can access to 10 initial custom emoji packs, containing more than 500 Premium emoji. These new animated emoji can be included in the text of messages and media captions, giving more emotion to chats Further, non-premium users can see all the custom emoji and also use them for free in their Saved Messages chat to try them out – or to add extra flair to notes and reminders.
Interactive Custom Emoji
Telegram has updated the most used and popular custom emojis into interactive emoji. Where, when sent in 1-on-1 chats – any user can tap to play synchronized, full-screen effects.
New Sticker, GIF and Emoji Panel on iOS
The new sticker panel launched in the latest update has a new look on iOS, with separate tabs for stickers, GIFs and emoji – just like on the Android, desktop and web apps. On all apps, the GIF section now has thousands of high-quality GIFs from users’ favorite movies and shows.
Premium Privacy Settings for Voice Messages
Now premium users can enjoy an additional privacy setting – users can choose specific people or groups of users that can never or always send voice messages like Everyone, My Contacts, or Nobody option.
More Interactive Emoji
In this new update, users who love interactive emoji can now enjoy animated emoji that display a full-screen effect when tapped in a 1-on-1 chat. Premium users can use these emojis as reactions as well. Further, any user can increase the counters for exclusive reactions that were already added to a message by Premium subscribers.