Home News SpaceX Cancels Launch of Falcon 9 Rocket Second Day Consecutively

SpaceX Cancels Launch of Falcon 9 Rocket Second Day Consecutively

SpaceX has scrubbed the launch of the Falcon 9 rocket for the second day in a row. The computers automatically terminated the launch of the rocket on Monday during the final moments before it takes off from the NASA’s Kennedy Space Center located in Florida. The rocket was to be lifted off with Intersat 35e broadcasting satellite.

The failure on July 4 was not known at once but the investigations led to a software error that was detected after the first attempt failed on July 3. According to SpaceX engineers, the problem was identified and corrected. The engineers were satisfied that the rocket would launch successfully on the second attempt on Monday. The team are sending a heavy element almost 7.5 tons of Intelsat communication satellite into space.

During the latest launch, there were no technical hiccups that were noted by the engineers until the last minute when the machine stopped abruptly leading to an automatic halt. The SpaceX engineer will continue with their investigations to detect and fix any hitch. The team is trying to make things work for the third time consecutively on July 4 which will be the Independence Day in U.S.

If the SpaceX will approve the July 4 blastoff, the weather forecasters project about 80% chance of favorable weather conditions during the launching hour. The atmosphere is expected to push the sea breeze storms away from the coast thus minimizing the weather threats across the Florida space center. Thus the possibility of the rocket launching for the third time within the week relies heavily on the engineers working on the machine to rectify the cause of the problem.

The launch on the Independent Day would be the first of its kind in the country’s space mission since the space shuttle commenced work in space center in 2006. It’s not confirmed if the rocket would be supported to fly on that particular day. The SpaceX is launching the third Falcon 9 in less than two weeks. The Air-Force is expected to slow down the operations once they launch the current rocket.