Samsung has now launched its new lineup featuring Samsung Side-by-Side SpaceMax Refrigerators in India. The new series will be available in two-door and three-door options. With SpaceMax™ technology, the refrigerators allow storing more food without increasing the dimensions or compromising on power efficiency, while still providing the end user with helpful features.
Samsung Side-by-Side SpaceMax Refrigerators
For those unaware, the SpaceMax technology basically aims for providing the refrigerator with very thin yet very powerful insulation. As a result, the refrigerator walls are much thinner. This allows for more cold air insulated from the ambient hotter air, accompanied by better storage space. The main reason for developing this technology was to provide consumers with more space to store food while maintaining limited dimensions, thus saving room for other furniture. Moreover, the new tech is capable of minimising cold air loss by 55%, thus saving energy.
Talking of the features, the Samsung Side-by-Side SpaceMax Refrigerators incorporate two fast cooling technologies known as Power Cool and Power Freeze. Notably, the Power Cool technology blasts cold air at drinks and other foods to cool them down in a matter of seconds. The Power Freeze Technology, on the other hand, blasts frigid air to freeze ice-creams, or just make ice within minutes.
There’s also a Digital Inverter which controls the compressor of the fridge to provide optimal cooling according to the temperature inside the refrigerator. The feature not only saves the machine from voltage fluctuations but also saves energy and time by activating the compressor based on the internal temperature needs. Moreover, the digital inverter is certified to work up to 25 years and comes with a 10-year warranty.
“Samsung continues to bring delight to the consumers through innovative technology solutions in the refrigerator space. Being an industry leader, we are excited to bring the all-new SpaceMax™ Series Side-by-Side refrigerators that are designed to change the way consumers store food. These refrigerators are highly energy efficient and durable, ensuring longer-lasting performance,” said Saurav Katyal, Director, Consumer Electronics Business, Samsung India.
Samsung Side-by-Side SpaceMax Refrigerators Price in India
As for the pricing, the two-door lineup will start at Rs. 1,06,990 while the two-door ice & water dispenser model will be priced at Rs. 1,25,990. On the other hand, the three-door model lineup will start at Rs. 1,16,990. The refrigerators are now available across all channels and on Samsung Shop.