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New Lenovo survey reveals Indians would prefer working from home post Covid 19

Lenovo has come up with some interesting facts and figures about the changes that the workplace environment has undergone in the post-Covid 19 scenario in India. According to what the company revealed, a majority 74 percent said they would prefer to continue working from home even after the Covid 19 pandemic eases while an even higher 91 percent said they are using their laptops more during the pandemic. The latter again is higher than the global average of 85 percent.

Also, 95 percent said they feel they have become their own IT person, which is a direct fallout of working from home. Another 43 percent of the participants feel their employers should do more to impart better training to them to ensure they acquire better skills to work more efficiently from home in the future as well.

Lenovo said they polled 20,262 workers worldwide to arrive at the above conclusion. The company also said data such as these provided them with valuable insights into the sort of changes that have undergone in the work environment in India during the coronavirus pandemic that forced most office goers to work from home.

This again has created more opportunities for hardware and software companies what with demand for new computing devices, always-on services and software being on the rise. Individuals have been forced to upgrade to better devices to enable them to work from home effectively. Similarly, there has been an increase in demand for video conferencing software as companies strive to create the right environment for employees to collaborate and contribute efficiently.

Not surprisingly, newer concerns have come to the fore as well in the changed circumstances, which includes the risk of data theft and overall online security as more turn online to get their jobs done. This again poses a new challenge for companies as they need to ensure their employee’s devices, services, and software are adequately protected in a diverse environment to ensure the company’s interest is not harmed. Not surprisingly, 70 percent of Indians feel they need to have separate devices for work and personal usage.

You can have the complete survey report here.