Home News iPadOS 18 Wishlist: What We Want to See and What We Know...

iPadOS 18 Wishlist: What We Want to See and What We Know So Far

iPadOS 18 update

As anticipation for Apple’s next big update grows, the tech community is abuzz with expectations and predictions for iPadOS 18. With Apple’s history of annual software updates, iPadOS 18 is expected to make its debut at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 2024, bringing a host of improvements and new features to iPad users around the globe. Here’s a rundown of what we’re hoping to see in the upcoming release, alongside the rumors and information currently circulating about iPadOS 18.

Key Highlights:

  • Expected announcement at WWDC 2024, likely in the first week of June.
  • High hopes for a focus on AI advancements to match or surpass competitors.
  • Potential for new features based on iOS 18 rumors, including generative AI integration.
  • Speculation on expanded app features and new emojis.

iPadOS 18 update

What We Know So Far

Release Date and Announcement: iPadOS 18 is anticipated to be unveiled during WWDC 2024, which typically occurs in the first week of June. Following recent trends, Apple may opt for a hybrid event format, offering both in-person and digital attendance options​​.

Rumored Features: While specific details are scarce due to Apple’s tight-lipped approach to upcoming releases, there is strong speculation that iPadOS 18 will include generative AI features, following in the footsteps of iOS 18 rumors. These advancements could significantly enhance user experiences, especially for those using Apple Silicon iPads like the rumored M3 iPad Pro​​.

Wishlist for iPadOS 18

  1. Enhanced Multitasking Capabilities: Users are looking for more intuitive and flexible ways to manage multiple apps and windows, improving productivity and ease of use.
  2. Improved File Management System: A more robust and user-friendly file system is high on the list, offering better organization, search, and external storage support.
  3. Expanded Widget Options and Customizations: The ability to place widgets anywhere on the home screen and more customization options would be welcome enhancements.
  4. Comprehensive External Display Support: Users hope for better support for external displays, including more resolutions and the ability to run full-screen apps on external monitors.
  5. Advanced Pencil Features: New functionalities for the Apple Pencil, such as expanded gesture controls and improved handwriting recognition, are eagerly anticipated.
  6. Deeper Integration of AI and Machine Learning: Beyond generative AI, users are interested in seeing how AI can enhance everyday tasks and interactions with their devices.
  7. Refined User Interface and Interactions: A refresh of the user interface with smoother animations, quicker access to settings, and more interactive elements could significantly enhance the user experience.
  8. Better Pro App Support: Professionals are hoping for versions of Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, or similar high-end apps tailored for iPad, leveraging the powerful hardware of iPad Pros.
  9. Augmented Reality (AR) Enhancements: With ARKit, users anticipate new AR features and improvements that can be integrated into daily iPad use, enhancing educational, creative, and gaming experiences.
  10. Revamped Siri Experience: Given the potential focus on AI, a more intelligent and context-aware Siri that rivals other voice assistants is highly desired.

As we edge closer to WWDC 2024, the excitement and speculation around iPadOS 18 continue to build. While Apple has yet to confirm any features officially, the potential for significant advancements, particularly in the realm of AI, suggests that iPadOS 18 could be a pivotal update for iPad users. Stay tuned for the official announcement and more detailed information as it becomes available.