Idea has launched 4G LTE services in 29 towns in Tamil Nadu and Chennai. Since its first announcement in December 2015, the service provider has expanded its 4G LTE services in the four telecom circles: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Earlier this year, Idea further extended its presence in 4 more telecom circles, that of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Haryana and Punjab. Since the last week of December 2015, Idea has rapidly rolled out its high-speed 4G LTE network to cover eight major markets in India.
As per the company statement, Idea services will soon extend to Maharashtra & Goa, and North East by June 2016.
According to a statement made by Mr. Sashi Shankar, CMO at Idea Cellular, the company is set to tie up with manufacturers and e-Commerce retailers to offer data-bundling packages to go along with 4G compatible devices.
Idea Cellular is considered a prime network service provider in India, serving approximately 6 million satisfied customers with reliable 2G and 3G services, now to offer 4G services across ten telecom circles that cover 50% of the telecom market.
The company is set to roll out its 4G services in Maharashtra and Goa in March 2016 and cover the North East by June 2016. Along with today’s launch in the metropolitan city of Chennai, the officials on behalf of the service provider will visit Coimbatore and Pondicherry to announce their 4G services.
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