Home News Apple’s iPhone 16 and 16 Plus: A Disappointing Display Deja Vu

Apple’s iPhone 16 and 16 Plus: A Disappointing Display Deja Vu

Apple is once again set to disappoint users with the displays of its non-Pro iPhones. According to recent leaks, the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus will retain the same 60Hz displays as their iPhone 15 counterparts. This means that these models will not have the smooth and responsive 120Hz ProMotion displays that are found on the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max.

Key Highlights:

  • Apple’s iPhone 16 and 16 Plus are expected to retain the same 60Hz displays as their predecessors.
  • Pro models are rumored to feature slightly larger screens.
  • Apple’s decision to stick with 60Hz displays for its non-Pro iPhones is likely due to cost-cutting measures.
  • This move could disappoint users who were hoping for a smoother and more responsive display experience.

The decision to stick with 60Hz displays for the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus is likely due to cost-cutting measures. Apple’s high-end Pro models are typically more expensive than its non-Pro models, and the higher refresh rate displays are one of the key features that differentiate the two lines. By keeping the ProMotion displays exclusive to the Pro models, Apple can save money on production costs.

Apple’s History of Display Stagnation

Apple’s decision to retain 60Hz displays for its non-Pro iPhones is a continuation of a trend that has been ongoing for several years. The company has been slow to adopt new display technologies, and its non-Pro iPhones have often been criticized for their outdated displays.

For example, the iPhone 14 and 14 Max were the first non-Pro iPhones to feature OLED displays, but they only had a refresh rate of 60Hz. The iPhone 15 and 15 Plus continued to use the same 60Hz OLED displays, and they did not introduce any new display technologies.

However, this decision is likely to disappoint users who were hoping for a more responsive display experience. High refresh rate displays make scrolling through web pages, playing games, and watching videos feel much smoother and more fluid. And the lack of a high refresh rate display is one of the main criticisms of the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus.

Pro Models: Slightly Larger Screens

While the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus will retain the same 60Hz displays as their predecessors, the Pro models are rumored to feature slightly larger screens. The iPhone 16 Pro is expected to have a 6.1-inch display, while the iPhone 16 Pro Max is expected to have a 6.7-inch display. These are both slightly larger than the displays of the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max.

Apple’s decision to stick with 60Hz displays for the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus is a disappointing one, especially for users who were hoping for a smoother and more responsive display experience. However, the Pro models are expected to feature slightly larger screens, which may be a consolation to some users.