The Apple iPhone 8 rumors have been doing around for quite some time now. As per the latest report floating on the web, iPhone 8 would most likely come with Iris scanning capability for added security, just like Galaxy Note 7. The Iris scanning on iPhone 8 won’t be a big deal as Apple is anyways planning something big for its 10th anniversary in 2017. Going by the nomenclature, the next iPhone should be called iPhone 8.
The iPhone 8 or iPhone 2017 will be the tenth addition to the famous iPhone line-up. The future iPhone is presumed to come in a bezel-less avatar. The iPhone 8 rumors also suggest an OLED wrap-around type display. The Touch ID will be integrated into the screen with a click-free home button.
iPhone 8 Rumors Hint Iris Scanner
According to a report by DigiTimes, the iPhone 8 will come with an Iris scanner which will further enhance the security of the smartphone. It is almost certain that Apple will name the 2018 iPhone as iPhone 8 instead of iPhone 7S. The iPhone 8 will possibly release in September 2018.
The next generation Samsung Note 7 is expected to feature the Iris scanner. The phone is scheduled to launch later this year. Samsung will be the leader in bringing the Iris scanner to the mainstream smartphone market which will soon be followed by Apple.
Iris Scanner more Secure than Fingerprint Scanner
Iris scanner is arguably much more secure and consistent than the current fingerprint verifications. Even though every human being has unique fingerprints and irises, the fingerprints can be spoofed much easily. The iris, on the other hand, is extremely difficult to clone and thus almost impossible to be compromised.
The iris scanning technology is much more sophisticated and has a number of issues. The iris scanner can’t work properly in low light conditions and the analyzing the iris pattern is a very complex procedure. The fingerprint, on the other hand, works pretty easy on the hardware.
In 2014, several reports suggested that Apple has been experimenting with several technologies related to iris scanning. The company was also rumored to be playing with the built-in compass and accelerometer to enhance facial recognition in iPhones.
Apple iPhone 7 launch on September 7
The iPhone 7 is due to launch on September 7 this year. It will go on sale four days later from 16th September. We already know that Apple will be ditching the 3.5 mm audio output port from the next iPhone. Instead, the lightning port would also function as the port for audio output.
The upcoming iPhone 7 is presumed to bring massive improvements in the camera department. The iPhone 7 Plus or Pro is also rumored to sport dual camera lenses. The iPhones will be powered by the newest Apple designed and TSMC manufactured A10 processor with an extra GB of RAM. The iPhones is also expected to feature better water protection.