Reliance has yet again changed their base plans for Jio. The all-new revised Rs. 149 will now offer 2GB 4G data and unlimited calls with a 28-day validity and post the 2GB data; the speed will come down to 64kbps speed and will remain unlimited. Earlier, the same plan was just limited to 2GB data with no post FUP usage. Reliance Jio has revised their 349 plan and introduced a new Rs. 399 plan with 84 days validity retaining the 349 plan which now offers 20GB 4G data with no per day Fup limit; meaning you can use the 20GB data even in one single day. This Rs. 349 plan comes with 28 days validity.
It is a known fact that voice calls will always be free of cost and the company will just charge you for the 4G data. There is also a Rs. 309 plan which comes with 56 days validity and offers 56GB data with 1GB Fup per day and unlimited calls. This plan to comes with post FUP usage at 128kbps speed. Reliance Jio also provides 600MB 4G data with three days validity at Rs. 49 and the Rs. 96 plan offers 7GB of data with seven days validity, and the 7GB data is restricted to 1GB per day.
With competing telecoms like the Airtel, Idea offering costlier plans, Reliance Jio seems to be giving a run for their money, and it is no easy job for Airtel and Idea to compete with Jio with these offerings.