The Redmi Smart Band Pro is all set to launch in India on February 9. This has been revealed by the Xiaomi sub-brand in a tweet message. The fitness band comes with a larger AMOLED panel this time compared to the other smart bands the company has to offer. Plus, there are other features that the smart band comes with, which include sensors for heart rate and SPO2 monitoring in real time. Plus, the fitness band is able to last more than two weeks on a single charge and has over 50 band faces as well.
Other specs of the fitness band include support for Bluetooth v5.0 to connect to the host device, which again can be either Android or iOS based. The smart band also comes with a six-axis sensor which includes an accelerometer as well as a gyroscope which lets the wearable accomplish its primary task of being a fitness tracker. Plus, there is also the PPg sensor for heart rate monitoring.
On the top lies a 1.47-inch AMOLED touch-enabled display having 194 x 368 pixels, which translates to a pixel density of 282 PPI. It offers support for more than 110 workout modes along with 50 band faces. The water resistant design keeps it safe from accidental drops in water or sweat. Then there is also the 200 mAh battery onboard which can sustain operations for 14 days in normal mode but can stretch to 20 days in power saving mode.
Expect the pricing details to be revealed during launch time.