YouTube has announced its very own mobile live-streaming feature will be available very soon to all users. It had added the live streaming attribute to its platform in 2011, and now it is getting ready to bring it to mobile apps on Android and iOS. The interface will enable users broadcast live video on their mobile devices by tapping a button.
The announcement to this effect was made at VidCon where YouTube showcased the interface and how it worked. The interface was much akin to Periscope and also has viewer count, a like button, and a button to switch cameras from rear to front and back. Users can also take a picture and use it as a banner for their broadcast.
This aspect is already present in Facebook and Periscope, but YouTube will have an upper hand over its competitors; thanks to its infrastructure and the biggest volume of video content available today which means that it will have a wider range of audience. The live attribute will enable users to search live broadcasts much like they search for recorded videos. The video site touts that its feature will much quicker and reliable than other live streaming services. However, the biggest disadvantage will be the lack of social network built into its ecosystem which is not the case with Facebook or Twitter.
The feature will be available for some creators like The Young Turks, AIB, Alex Wassabi and will be accessible to more users soon. In the past, the video site has featured live videos which were watched by millions of viewers. It includes Royal Wedding in 2011, Felix Baumgartner leap from space, Coachella to name a few. The latest feature is seen by experts as a ploy to counter Facebookâs forceful push of live videos on its platform. Twitter also has its app for the wildly popular live video streaming in the form of Periscope which it acquired last year.