YouTube India has confirmed that it will not censor content uploaded by users. However, the popular video sharing portal revealed that the portal fully depends on the flagging of issues by users. The company takes action based on the strong community guidelines, which are in place and updated frequently.
Responding to media, Satya Raghavan, Head, Entertainment Content at YouTube India said that the company follows a very strong community guidelines. It works in such a way that they reply on users flagging off content that is inappropriate and when that happens. After that, the content team reviews the video and take the appropriate course of action.
YouTube video will be removed if it violates guidelines
Raghavan added that if there is any violation of community guidelines, the relevant content will be removed immediately and appropriate action will be initiated against the person who uploaded the content. He further revealed that the whole process will act like a chain.
During his interaction with reporters, Raghavan specifically asked about video content that could pose a risk to the community and also violate the security of the land. Moreover, he was posted several questions about how the company is planning to restrict them.
YouTube reportedly censored a video uploaded by French blogger
Recently, a video blogger based in France claimed that the Google-owned company made an attempt to censor her interview of European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker. When asked about it, Raghavan counterattacked and said that the company doesn’t censor content on their own.
YouTube is a democratic platform
They only depend on the people to flag-off videos which are inappropriate. He also said that YouTube is a democratic platform where people are the leaders. When asked about monetization, Raghavan added that the video sharing portal will not demonetize videos that have controversial topics.
When the content team finds that some videos are not fit for advertisers, they automatically switch off the advertisements since it doesn’t serve any real purpose.
Meanwhile, YouTube also takes into account various requests from local governments. He stated that if there is a specific request from the local government, we will certainly work with them to resolve the disputes and remove the offensive material. We feel that the law of the land is vital and important.
As per the latest guidelines, the YouTube staff reviews all flagged videos 24 hours a day. They are not automatically deleted from the servers. If the team detects that the video does not violate the guidelines, they will not consider any further requests. It will continue to play on the site. If a video is found to violate the guidelines, they are removed immediately with notice to the uploader.