Why you should buy USB OTG Flash Drive instead of regular one

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When it comes to buying a new USB drive then people might get confused with lots of options out there on the internet. and now there is one new type of flash drive trending called USB OTG flash drives. So which one to buy? regular or with USB OTG support? let’s find out.


Technology had changed a lot with smartphones and now we also have flash drives for them called USB OTG flash drive. If you buy a USB flash drive then you’ll be limited to use it on your PC but if you buy any USB OTG flash drive then you’ll get the benefit for both of the devices, PC and smartphone. You can just connect it with your smartphone and move your data from smartphone to USB OTG drive and then to your PC.

Not much price difference:

If you search on the internet about pricing for the USB OTG flash drive and regular flash drive of similar storage capacity then you will get to know that there is not much price difference between them. Also, you are getting one extra feature than a regular flash drive. So why not go for a better one by paying a small price. If you are going for a bigger brand (like Corsair) then you’ll face a huge price difference, so go for a brand like Kingston and SanDisk.

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Check out the best USB OTG flash drives for smartphones here

More feature:

If you buy a new USB drive with regular functionality then you can only use this on a PC or laptop but if you will go for a USB OTG flash drive then you can directly connect it to your smartphone and move data from the smartphone to your PC. Yes, you can connect a regular flash drive to your smartphone but for that, you need to carry a USB OTG cable with you every time.

So, now whenever you buy a new flash drive then make sure to buy an OTG one because I’ve already told you the benefit you’ll get when buying a new USB OTG drive.

Ashutosh Tayal

Our Senior rumors analyst, Ashutosh is a postgraduate in biotechnology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quiet by nature, he is an avid Chess player. He is responsible for handling the office staff writers and providing them with the latest updates happenings in the world of technology.

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