In a significant shift within the gaming industry, Toys for Bob, the developer known for its work on the Skylanders series and contributions to the Call of Duty franchise, faces an uncertain future following a series of layoffs and the closure of its Novato, California office. This move comes as part of a broader restructuring within Activision Blizzard, recently impacted by layoffs initiated by Microsoft, affecting nearly 2,000 employees across its gaming subsidiaries.
Key Highlights:
- Toys for Bob’s Novato, California office has been shut down following a series of layoffs.
- The layoffs impacted 162 Bay Area workers as part of broader cuts within Activision Blizzard.
- Despite the physical office closure, Toys for Bob is transitioning to a remote working model.
- The future direction and projects of Toys for Bob remain uncertain amidst these changes.
A Shift Towards Remote Work
In the wake of these layoffs, there’s a pivot towards a remote working model for Toys for Bob, similar to the approach taken by Sledgehammer Games. While the physical office space in Novato is closing, it’s suggested that the core studio operations will continue with the majority of staff moving to remote work. This transition marks a significant change for the 35-year-old studio, raising questions about its future projects and direction within the Activision Blizzard umbrella.
Industry Implications
The layoffs and restructuring at Toys for Bob reflect broader challenges within the gaming industry, including financial difficulties, layoffs, and studio closures. The move also signals a shift in Activision Blizzard’s strategy, particularly in the aftermath of its acquisition by Microsoft. This has led to concerns about the preservation of institutional knowledge and the future of game development outside the dominant AAA live service model.
The Future of Toys for Bob
Despite the challenges, there remains a glimmer of hope for Toys for Bob’s future. The studio’s transition to remote work suggests an adaptation to current industry trends and the possibility of continuing its legacy in game development. However, the specifics of its future projects and its role within the larger Activision Blizzard strategy remain to be seen.
Opinionated Summary
The recent developments at Toys for Bob symbolize a turning point for the studio and the gaming industry at large. While the move to remote work offers a pathway for continuity, the closure of its physical office and the layoffs reflect the volatile nature of the industry. As Toys for Bob navigates these changes, the gaming community watches closely, hopeful that the studio can retain its creative spirit in a new era of game development.