Home News Tesla Accuses Advisory Firm of Scaremongering Over Musk’s Pay Package

Tesla Accuses Advisory Firm of Scaremongering Over Musk’s Pay Package

Tesla Accuses Advisory Firm of Scaremongering Over Musk's Pay Package

Tesla has publicly criticized a major proxy advisory firm, Glass Lewis, accusing it of “scaremongering” after the firm urged shareholders to vote against Elon Musk’s $56 billion pay package. The advisory firm raised concerns about the size and structure of Musk’s compensation, calling it excessive and potentially harmful to Tesla’s long-term interests.

Background and Advisory Firm’s Recommendations

Glass Lewis, alongside other shareholder groups including the SOC Investment Group and Amalgamated Bank, has recommended that Tesla investors reject Musk’s pay deal. The advisory firm’s report cited several reasons for its stance, including the dilution of shareholder value and Musk’s divided attention due to his numerous other ventures. Glass Lewis pointed out that Musk’s commitments to other companies, such as SpaceX, Neuralink, and his recent acquisition of Twitter (now rebranded as X), detract from his focus on Tesla. The firm argued that this dilution of attention undermines the justification for such a large pay package, which was originally designed to ensure Musk’s dedication to Tesla for a ten-year period starting in 2018​​.

Tesla’s Response

In response, Tesla accused the advisory firm of creating unnecessary fear among shareholders. Tesla’s board defended the pay package, stating that it aligns with the company’s goals and Musk’s performance-driven incentives. They emphasized that the package is structured to drive long-term growth and shareholder value, noting that it includes substantial performance milestones that Musk must achieve to earn the full amount.

Tesla also took issue with Glass Lewis’s claims regarding Musk’s time management, arguing that his leadership has been pivotal in achieving significant milestones, including record vehicle deliveries and advancements in autonomous driving technology. Tesla highlighted Musk’s continued commitment to the company, despite his involvement in other ventures, and argued that his vision and leadership are integral to Tesla’s future success​​.

Shareholder Concerns and Broader Context

Despite Tesla’s defense, the advisory firm’s recommendations resonate with a segment of Tesla’s investor base. These shareholders are concerned about the company’s recent performance, including a 30% drop in stock value in 2024 and a slowdown in global sales and EV demand. Critics argue that Musk’s compensation is disproportionate, especially in light of these challenges and his focus on other businesses​.

Furthermore, the advisory firm’s report raised issues about corporate governance at Tesla, specifically the lack of independence among board members. The report highlighted close relationships between Musk and certain board members, including his brother Kimbal Musk and James Murdoch, questioning their ability to make unbiased decisions that serve the best interests of all shareholders​.

Upcoming Shareholder Vote

The contentious pay package and related governance issues will be put to a vote at Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting on June 13, 2024. Shareholders will have to decide whether to endorse Musk’s pay package and the re-election of certain board members amid ongoing debates about corporate governance and Musk’s multi-faceted leadership responsibilities.

The outcome of this vote will be crucial in determining the future direction of Tesla and its leadership. Investors are weighing the benefits of Musk’s visionary leadership against the potential risks posed by his extensive commitments and the high cost of his compensation package.


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