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EU Intensifies Scrutiny on Big Tech: Mandates Data Sharing for Risk Research

The European Union (EU) is ramping up its focus on larger technology platforms, demanding greater access to data for risk research. This move is...

Google Shuts Down Crime Proximity Data Access for Law Enforcement, Sparking Privacy Debate

In a significant shift for user privacy, Google announced it will stop storing individual location history on its servers, effectively cutting off a data...

Apple Urges Users to Embrace Encryption as Data Breaches Soar

In a stark reminder of the growing threat to online privacy, Apple recently released a cybersecurity report revealing a staggering rise in data breaches....

Google Drive Misplaces Months Worth of Customer Files: What Happened and How to Protect...

Data Loss Incident Affects Google Drive Users Google Drive users reported experiencing data loss, with some claiming to have lost months' worth of files. The...

Guard Your Data: The Risks of Public Wi-Fi and How to Stay Safe

In the era of constant connectivity, public Wi-Fi networks offer convenience but come with significant cybersecurity risks. Hackers are increasingly exploiting these networks to...

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