Sony announced the release of a portable mobile projector, Sony MP-CL1 in India today. The global consumer electronics brand has devised a handheld projector that’s said to be capable of delivering HD resolution images in high contrast (80,000:1) for the best color output. Sony claims clear images even while projecting on uneven surfaces.
Sony MP-CL1 is designed to elevate both business and entertainment experiences. The short-throw projector can render a screen size of up to 120 inches if the image is projected from a distance of 3.45 metres from the surface.
Sony MP-CL1 features a 3400mAh battery, which according to Sony delivers up to 120 minutes of HD playback. The outer body is made of aluminium that has a matte finish. A smart screen mirroring capability allows the user to keep track of the content being projected by connecting to the projector through a smartphone or tablet over the Wi-Fi.
It allows connectivity not only over an HDMI cable but also via MHL so you can connect your smartphone or tablet to it. The packaging also includes an HDMI to the mini-HDMI adapter, a micro-USB cable, and a detachable two-way stand.
Sony is one of the major retailers of consumer electronics and has a large smartphones market share. Although Sony MP-CL1 is priced at Rs. 26,990, Amazon listing suggests it costs as high as Rs. 42,580.