A stand-alone Samsung VR headset might hit the markets soon. The South Korean firm has applied for registration of a trademark and two logos. The filed applications intend to register the brand name ‘Odyssey’ along with two logos out of which one shows VR written in a stylized format.
This is a subtle hint at letting everyone know that Samsung is planning to launch their stand-alone VR headset. Samsung Gear VR is already popular but it still demands a pair with a premium Galaxy smartphone. That’s why there has always been a need of Samsung VR headset which can be taken along anywhere in order to get into the realms of virtual reality, as and when the user wants to.
The application for registering the trademark does not come as a surprise because as of now, Oculus is already thriving with its own Rift whereas it was expected that Samsung will probably launch a VR headset which won’t be powered by Oculus.
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Now as the South Korean tech giant progresses towards launching a stand-alone Samsung VR headset, it is difficult to extract details regarding the upcoming gear. Apart from its name, Odyssey, which by the way was informed by a Korean website, GalaxyClub, things are still blurry when it comes to jotting down specs or details.
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The existing VR headsets are already a success amongst the users so it is not logical to consider if the Samsung VR headset will be a lot different from the lot. We can sure expect a lot of innovation from the company when it plans to launch its next flagship devices but it is a little early to expect drastic changes with the VR headset.
Meanwhile, amidst the VR frenzy, Samsung is going to launch the Galaxy Note 7 on the 2nd of August. The company also explained about skipping ‘Note 6’ and as expected, it was to bring alignment with the Galaxy S series.