Home News Samsung planning to sell refurbished Galaxy Note 7 next year: Report

Samsung planning to sell refurbished Galaxy Note 7 next year: Report

Samsung is reportedly planning to sell refurbished Galaxy Note 7 in 2017. According to industry analysts, Samsung is currently working hard to find out the real cause of the fire in both the original and so-called safe handsets. This will help the company to fix the problem and sell the phones as refurbished after few months.

A South Korea-based publication has disclosed that they have credible information about the proposed sale of refurbished units of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Even though there is no specific timeline, the handsets will be available from the second half of 2017. However, the publication declined to reveal the exact source from where they obtained information.

According to analysts, Samsung has not made any final decision as of yet. However, it is most likely that the refurbished units are likely to be sold in emerging markets such as India and Vietnam.

The report doesn’t provide any signal regarding the steps, which will be taken to make sure that the refurbished units don’t end up catching fire. There is no guarantee that the twice exploded phone will be safe again unless the company explains in detail as to how they fixed the problem.

Currently, Samsung is collecting the exploded units of the Galaxy Note 7 from retailers, distributors, and consumers. The company will need to research the real reason for the fire and explosion. After that, they need to resolve the problem and explain to customers about the various steps taken to resolve the problem.

Samsung should be careful because their reputation is at stake here. They should not worsen the situation by selling refurbished units, which is also prone to explosions. Moreover, the company is facing acute financial losses due to the recall of Galaxy Note 7. We expect Samsung to reply to this news within the next days.

After receiving rave reviews of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 soon after the launch, the phone entered into troubles b exploding in several places around the world. Samsung recalled the phones and replaced with safe handsets, which also exploded. The company has to stop production and withdraw Note 7 from the market.