Home News iOS 18 to Get a VisionOS Makeover? Rumors Hint at Design Inspired...

iOS 18 to Get a VisionOS Makeover? Rumors Hint at Design Inspired by AR Headset OS

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Apple’s upcoming iOS 18 update might bring more than just new features. A recent rumor circulating online suggests the mobile operating system could receive a significant design overhaul inspired by visionOS, the operating system powering the company’s recently launched Vision Pro AR headset. While the veracity of these claims remains unconfirmed, they paint an intriguing picture of Apple potentially unifying its software aesthetics across different platforms.

Key Highlights:

  • Rumor suggests iOS 18 will borrow design elements from visionOS, the OS of Apple’s Vision Pro headset.
  • Changes may include translucent menus, revamped system menus, and redesigned built-in apps like Safari.
  • The Apple TV app on iPadOS 18 might be the first to showcase the new design language.
  • This potential shift aligns with Apple’s history of unifying design across platforms.

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The rumor, originating from Israeli website The Verifier, details several possible design changes. One key element is the adoption of translucent menus, similar to those found in visionOS. This could be implemented in various system menus and potentially appear in redesigned built-in apps like Safari. The Apple TV app on iPadOS 18 might be the first to showcase this new design language, mirroring the translucent sidebar menu introduced in the tvOS 17.2 update.

This potential design shift wouldn’t be unprecedented for Apple. The company has a history of gradually bringing design elements from one platform to another. For instance, iOS 13’s swipe gestures and dark mode originated from iPadOS, and the recent tvOS 17 update borrowed design cues from iOS 16. Additionally, Apple has emphasized its commitment to augmented reality, with the Vision Pro headset being a major step in that direction. Unifying the design language across iOS and visionOS could create a more cohesive experience for users transitioning between their AR headset and mobile devices.

While Apple typically unveils their new iOS updates at WWDC each June, whispers of potential design changes for iOS 18 have already begun circulating. The source this time is Israeli website The Verifier, which claims Apple might borrow design elements from visionOS, the operating system powering their recently launched Vision Pro AR headset. The rumor details several possible adjustments, including:

  • Translucent menus: Similar to those found in visionOS, these could be implemented in system menus and built-in apps like Safari.
  • Revamped system menus: Expect a potential redesign of core interfaces like Control Center and Notification Center.
  • Redesigned apps:

It’s crucial to remember that The Verifier has a mixed track record with Apple rumors. While they’ve accurately reported on some leaks, others haven’t materialized. Therefore, treating this rumor with a healthy dose of skepticism is essential.

It’s important to note that these are just rumors, and Apple has not officially confirmed any design changes for iOS 18. However, the possibility of a visionOS-inspired design overhaul sparks several interesting questions. Would such a change enhance the user experience? How would it impact app developers? Would it further blur the lines between mobile and AR environments? Only time, and Apple’s upcoming WWDC event, will tell if these design rumors hold any weight.