NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has taken mysterious photos of neighboring galaxies. The pictures have added up Hubble’s data bank. One of the images reveals the galaxy cluster known as SDSS J1110+645. The galaxy cluster has a huge collection of numerous galaxies established like six billion light-years ago. It’s also the largest collection of star-formed structures with countless planetary systems and other worlds that have never been discovered before.
Dr. Katherine E. Whitaker, an astrophysicist of UCONN is planning to give a public speech on the latest discovery of the strange galaxy formation and evolution on July 18 at Westport Astronomical Society. The event will be open to the public. By use of the Hubble Space Telescope, Dr. Whitaker’s team has explored the rich and unfamiliar territory of the isolated universe.
Previous studies have initially illustrated that the galaxies, where the stars are born, are located within the Milky Way galaxy, but current research studies have recognized neighboring galaxies that contradict the earlier theories. The astronomers have continuously revealed billions of years of the cosmic development that bring new information on the galaxy formation assumptions.
The two galaxies that formed IRAS 06076-2139 galaxy are almost 20,000 light-years apart but the distance between the galaxies is critically short that it speed of zooming one another through the gravity force when passing one another, hence altering their structures on a large scale.
The ESA doesn’t go into what those “grand scale” changes are, but since astronomers have observed galaxies interacting for a while now, they’ve developed a classification system for them. The answer may lie in there.
Galaxies normally commence on a small scale, and as they collect interstellar gases and dust, they create new stars. Sometimes these young, tiny galaxies don’t grow to maturity. Instead, the gravity forces from larger galaxies pull them together with their stars into them. As a result, the small galaxies are stretched out.
In the talk, Dr. Whitaker will give a review of the latest innovative techniques that have been enlarged to probe the unique and isolated universe and the key findings of the formation of galaxies for the past 11 billion years.