Home News HMD Global Bids Farewell to Nokia Brand, Embarks on Independent Journey

HMD Global Bids Farewell to Nokia Brand, Embarks on Independent Journey

In a significant shift in the mobile technology landscape, HMD Global, the custodian of the Nokia brand for smartphones since 2016, has announced its departure from using the Nokia brand on its future products. This move marks the end of an era for the iconic Nokia brand in the smartphone market, as HMD Global aims to carve out its own identity in the competitive industry.

Key Highlights:

  • HMD Global will stop using the Nokia brand for its future smartphones.
  • The company plans to introduce its own branded devices starting in 2024, signaling a new strategic direction.
  • Despite the rebranding, HMD Global intends to continue honoring the legacy of Nokia by maintaining quality and innovation.
  • This decision reflects HMD Global’s ambition to establish itself as a major player in the global smartphone market with its own identity.


A New Chapter for HMD Global

HMD Global’s decision to move away from the Nokia branding represents a bold step towards establishing its own presence in the smartphone market. The company has been responsible for reviving the Nokia brand since acquiring the rights in 2016, launching a series of smartphones that catered to both nostalgia and modern mobile technology demands. However, with the licensing agreement set to evolve, HMD Global is now set to embark on a new path with its branding strategy.

Embracing Change and Innovation

As HMD Global prepares to introduce its own brand to the market, the company is focused on innovation and creating products that resonate with modern consumers. The transition away from the Nokia brand allows HMD Global to experiment with new technologies, designs, and partnerships that can differentiate its products in a crowded marketplace. This strategic shift is not just a name change but a reflection of the company’s growth and its commitment to being a significant player in the mobile industry.

The Legacy of Nokia

The Nokia brand has been synonymous with reliability, durability, and innovation in the mobile phone industry for decades. HMD Global’s stewardship of the brand has been marked by a respect for this legacy, with a focus on delivering devices that embody these core values. As HMD Global moves forward with its own brand, it aims to build on this foundation, ensuring that the spirit of innovation and quality that Nokia was known for continues.

Looking Ahead

The announcement of HMD Global’s new direction has sparked interest and speculation about what the future holds for the company’s product lineup. While details about the upcoming devices remain under wraps, the move is seen as a positive step towards establishing a unique identity and offering consumers more choices in the technology space. HMD Global’s commitment to innovation, quality, and user experience remains unchanged, promising an exciting new chapter for the company and its customers.


HMD Global’s decision to forge its own path without the Nokia brand is a significant moment in the mobile technology industry. By embracing change and focusing on innovation, HMD Global aims to establish a strong identity in the smartphone market. This strategic move is not the end of the Nokia legacy but rather a new beginning for HMD Global, as it seeks to create products that continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in mobile technology.