Google has finally rolled out the additional eight more Indian languages support for voice search feature. The service is active, and users can efficiently perform their task in their native languages. Google will now support eight more Indian languages including Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. The latest voice search will be available on Android and iOS as well.
To execute voice based search, users have to navigate through Voice setting menu in Google app and set their language. To activate voice typing, users can install Google keyboard and opt their native languageĀ via a setting. Further, here are the step to enable Voice access
1. Go to Settings > Accessibility
2. Select “Voice Access.”
3. Turn on the switch
4. Complete the tutorial to learn how to use Voice Access.
Prior this support, Google voice search has a language support that is restricted to Hindi and English languages only. But as the consumers base of Google increases gradually in India, it forces them to add more languages support. Google is also looking forward to language support across Map, Translate and search also.
Google has undergone difficult transition scenarios to develop different language support. According to the company, they have collected various speech sample consists of commonly used phrases which further embedded in Google machine learning model which compilesĀ all use case condition and develop an algorithm for support. Google has currently adhered the voice support search for 119 languages worldwide, and now they move further by adding support for 30 new languages, eight of which are from India.