Home News Google Gemini Could Soon Get a Spotify Extension

Google Gemini Could Soon Get a Spotify Extension

Google Gemini Could Soon Get a Spotify Extension

Google’s AI-powered assistant, Gemini, is on the brink of a significant upgrade. The latest reports suggest that Gemini may soon integrate with Spotify, allowing users to control their Spotify music directly through the assistant. This move follows the recent rollout of the YouTube Music extension, indicating Google’s ambition to enhance Gemini’s functionality by incorporating popular third-party music streaming services.

Upcoming Integration with Spotify

The anticipated integration with Spotify will enable users to manage their playlists, search for songs, and control playback using voice commands. Currently, Gemini supports YouTube Music, but the addition of Spotify is expected to bridge a significant gap in its capabilities compared to Google Assistant. This feature is still in development, but screenshots from early tests show a new settings option to choose a preferred music streaming service, including Spotify and Apple Music.

Enhanced Music Commands

Once the Spotify extension is live, users will be able to perform a variety of tasks with simple voice commands. Some of the expected functionalities include:

  • Playing specific songs, albums, or playlists.
  • Searching for music by artist, genre, or lyrics.
  • Starting a radio station based on a specific song.
  • Managing and accessing personal playlists.

These commands will allow for a more seamless and intuitive music listening experience, comparable to the features already available with Google Assistant.

Gemini’s Expanding Capabilities

Google is steadily expanding Gemini’s capabilities to make it a comprehensive assistant. The YouTube Music extension, already in use, allows users to control music playback and access their libraries with ease. Similar extensions for other Google services like Calendar, Keep, and Tasks are also in the pipeline, aimed at enhancing productivity through Gemini.

Gemini’s integration with third-party apps signifies Google’s strategic shift to position the AI assistant as a central hub for various digital tasks, potentially replacing Google Assistant in the future. This move is part of Google’s broader effort to leverage AI across its services, providing users with more sophisticated and versatile tools.

Global Rollout and Language Support

The new features, including the Spotify extension, are expected to be available globally. However, initial support might be limited to English, with additional languages to be added over time. This rollout strategy aligns with Google’s approach to gradually introduce new features, ensuring stability and usability before wider deployment.


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