Home News Google expands bug bounty program to target generative AI attacks

Google expands bug bounty program to target generative AI attacks

Google has expanded its bug bounty program to include vulnerabilities specific to generative AI, in a move aimed at improving the security of these powerful new technologies.

Key highlights:

  • Google has expanded its Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP) to include vulnerabilities specific to generative AI.
  • The move is in response to growing concerns about the potential for generative AI to be used for malicious purposes.
  • Google is offering rewards of up to $31,337 for finding critical vulnerabilities in its generative AI systems.
  • The company is also expanding its open source security work to make information about AI supply chain security universally discoverable and verifiable.

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Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can be used to create new content, such as text, images, and music. It is still under development, but it has the potential to revolutionize many industries.

However, generative AI also poses new security challenges. For example, it could be used to create fake news articles, deepfakes, or other forms of disinformation. It could also be used to manipulate people or to steal sensitive data.

Google is aware of these risks and is taking steps to mitigate them. One way it is doing this is by expanding its bug bounty program to include generative AI.

Under the VRP, Google pays security researchers for finding and responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities in its products and services. The company has already paid out over $12 million in rewards to researchers under the VRP.

The expansion of the VRP to include generative AI is a sign that Google is taking the security of these technologies seriously. It is also a signal to the security research community that Google is committed to working with them to improve the security of AI.

In addition to expanding its bug bounty program, Google is also expanding its open source security work to make information about AI supply chain security universally discoverable and verifiable.

AI supply chain security is the practice of ensuring that the software and data used to train and deploy AI models are secure. This is important because a vulnerability in any part of the AI supply chain could be exploited to attack an AI system.

Google’s open source security work will make it easier for organizations to identify and mitigate AI supply chain risks. It will also help to raise awareness of AI supply chain security issues.

Why is this important?

Generative AI is a powerful new technology with the potential to revolutionize many industries. However, it also poses new security challenges.

By expanding its bug bounty program to include generative AI, Google is taking steps to improve the security of these technologies. It is also sending a signal to the security research community that it is committed to working with them to improve AI security.

Google’s expansion of its open source security work will also help to improve the security of the AI supply chain. This is important because a vulnerability in any part of the AI supply chain could be exploited to attack an AI system.

What does this mean for the future of AI security?

Google’s expansion of its bug bounty program and open source security work is a positive step for the future of AI security.

By working with the security research community and making information about AI supply chain security more accessible, Google is helping to make AI systems more secure.

This is important because AI systems are increasingly being used in critical applications, such as healthcare and finance. It is essential that these systems are secure to protect users and data.

Google’s expansion of its bug bounty program to target generative AI attacks is a welcome move. It is a sign that Google is taking the security of these powerful new technologies seriously.

It is also a signal to the security research community that Google is committed to working with them to improve AI security.

By working together, Google and the security research community can help to make AI systems more secure and protect users and data.