Beware of fake message, documents and other attachment files on WhatsApp. It is enough to make you bankrupt. According to a report, cyber criminals have found out a way to break into your account via WhatsApp. The WhatsApp scam steals your bank account logins when you allow the file to download on your smartphone.
The target of these hackers is unsuspecting users to whom they distribute this virus. It is in the form of Microsoft Excel or PDF file that the virus is spread and comes with the name NIA (National Investigation Agency) or NDA (National Defence Academy) to lure people to open the file. If you wish to know the extent of damage it can do, then it can not only copy your login details but PIN codes ( an additional layer of security) as well.
According to officials of Central Security Services in India, “As these two organizations are very popular and known within the country and abroad, and there is a curiosity about them, it is possible that it may affect the mobile phones of people interested in these subjects.” Meanwhile, as per Economic Times report, the organization has issued a notification to NDA and NIA as it may target people in uniform.
Such an attack to secure your personal information is not the first as spam emails and SMS are generally circulated among people. But awareness has also been created through different means so that they don’t fall into the trap. Messages like “You have won a lottery of $10,000,000” is a typical example where your bank account details are asked to share.
The new WhatsApp hack is more sophisticated and damaging in a way that hackers now don’t ask to share your details. The virus can do that once you open the message. Hackers have used the database and approach of the messaging platform to distribute the fake message. These messages spread instantly; hence causing major harm is least efforts. Users are advised not to open any message that looks suspicious.