Evidson Audio has launched a new product, Sound Supreme X55 earphones in India. The product is available at Flipkart and Amazon and is priced at Rs. 549.
The Sound Supreme X55 is said to have Hi Efficient Sound Reproduction that produces vocals and instruments with detailed clarity and tone. The lightweight product comes with a microphone and remote and includes and in-line single button – multifunction microphone and remote to answer/cut calls, play/pause music, next & previous track. (by single, double and triple click on remote button).
It has a 3.5mm gold plated jack and frequency range of 20 Hz ~ 20 kHz. The Rated Impedance is 32 Ω, and sensitivity is 115 dB at 1 Mw. Coming on to the features, Evidson Audio Sound Supreme X55 offers a powerful bass balanced with superb musical detail. Comes along with it is two pairs of soft earpad tips. The earphones are compatible with iPod/iPhone, Android Devices, and other portable MP3 players.