Baldur’s Gate 3 Goes Arachnid: Player Commands Eight-Legged Army

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The diverse landscapes of Baldur’s Gate 3 have welcomed all sorts of adventurers: valiant paladins, cunning rogues, even shapeshifting druids. Yet, one player has carved their own path to heroism, commanding a formidable army – of spiders.

Key Highlights:

  • A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has assembled a party of eight spider companions.
  • This unconventional strategy utilizes the Ranger’s Beast Master subclass and “Charm Animal” spells.
  • The spider swarm showcases unique strengths and weaknesses in combat and exploration.
  • The internet reacts with amusement and horror at the creepy crawly crew.

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EduEpsilon, a Baldur’s Gate 3 enthusiast, recently shared their arachnid entourage on Reddit, sparking both fascination and squirming among the community. Their party boasts eight spiders, a combination achieved through meticulous class selection and spellcasting. By choosing the Ranger’s Beast Master subclass, EduEpsilon grants themselves two loyal spider companions. Additional arachnids are charmed into temporary allegiance using spells like “Charm Animal.”

While the sight of eight scuttling silhouettes flanking an adventurer might cause chills, the spider squad offers surprising tactical advantages. Their nimble forms can squeeze through tight spaces, navigate treacherous terrain with ease, and flank enemies for devastating surprise attacks. Webs spun by the spiders can immobilize foes, creating openings for melee allies or allowing ranged spellcasters to unleash fury.

However, this eight-legged entourage isn’t without its drawbacks. Spiders are inherently fragile, susceptible to AoE attacks and powerful blows. Their limited carrying capacity restricts inventory management, and navigating cramped settlements can be a logistical nightmare. Moreover, some NPCs react with fear or disgust towards the spiders, potentially hindering social interactions and side quests.

Despite the challenges, EduEpsilon’s unorthodox party has captured the Baldur’s Gate 3 community’s imagination. Online forums are abuzz with discussions about the viability of spider-centric strategies, sharing tales of hilarious mishaps and unexpected victories. Some praise EduEpsilon’s commitment to roleplaying, while others simply marvel at the creativity and absurdity of the concept.

One Reddit user commented, “I’m equal parts terrified and impressed. I wouldn’t want to meet this party in a dark alley, but I respect the hustle.” Another remarked, “This is peak Baldur’s Gate. You can literally conquer the world with a bunch of spiders if you put your mind to it.”

EduEpsilon’s spider squadron exemplifies the boundless possibilities for player choice and experimentation in Baldur’s Gate 3. Whether you prefer towering barbarians or charismatic bards, the game allows you to forge your own legend, even if it involves eight loyal, eight-legged companions.

About the author


Jamie Davidson

Jamie is the Senior Rumors Analyst at, with over 5 years of experience in tech journalism. He holds a postgraduate degree in Biotechnology, blending his scientific expertise with a deep passion for technology. Jamie plays a key role in managing the office staff writers, ensuring they stay informed with the latest technological developments and industry rumors. Known for his quiet nature, he is also an avid Chess player. Jamie’s analytical skills and dedication to following tech trends make him an essential contributor to the team, helping to maintain the site’s reputation for timely and accurate reporting.

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