Amazon India has announced the launch of Amazon Fresh store on The new service offers customers a complete grocery experience for select pin codes in Bengaluru. With the service, customers can get their daily essentials such as grocery and food items delivered to their doorstep within two hours. Besides, they can order during time slots that are convenient for them from 6 AM until midnight.
According to the company, Amazon Fresh gives customers the ability to order their complete grocery requirements across a selection of over 5000 fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat, ice-creams, packaged food, as well as personal and home care items. Amazon Fresh gets powered by the company’s Prime Now service, which was earlier only available via the standalone Prime Now app. The company added that the Prime Now app would continue to serve customers in Delhi/NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad.
“With Amazon Fresh, customers can experience the convenience and speed of ordering daily essentials on Now, customers can order the freshest fruits and vegetables as well as everyday grocery and get it within 2 hours. We are starting this service in Bengaluru and will soon roll this out to customers in other cities,” Siddharth Nambiar, Director – Category Management, Amazon India said in a press release.
Prime members in India can enjoy exclusive access to the fastest-two delivery slots for INR 49. Amazon said that all customers get convenient two-hour delivery slots for 6 AM to midnight with free delivery on orders above INR 600. However, a delivery fee of INR 25 will be charged on orders below INR 600.