The recently launched Lenovo Phab 2 is up on sale at Flipkart for Rs. 11,999. The smartphone with 4050mAh battery is available in Gunmetal Grey and Champagne Gold color variants. Flipkart is offering an exchange offer where you can buy the Phab 2 for just Rs. 2,999 on exchange with your old phone.
The main difference between Lenovo Phab 2 and Phab 2 Plus is on the display. If you look at Lenovo Phab 2 Plus, the handset offers an FHD display and addition of a dual-lens rear camera sensor. However, the upcoming Lenovo Phab 2 ships with an HD display with the same display size. Hence, you will not be able to make use of the entire display area to the optimum level.
Lenovo Phab 2 specifications
On the specifications front, the Lenovo Phab 2 smartphone, originally launched at the Tech World show in San Francisco, features a massive 6.4-inch HD display, MediaTek MT8735 processor, 3GB RAM coupled with 32GB expandable internal storage.
Talking about the camera, the Lenovo Phab 2 will be equipped with a 13MP sensor on the rear alongside a 5MP front-facing shooter. The selfie camera sensor offers a wide-angle lens. Like any other premium flagship handsets, the Phab 2 also offers a 4050mAh battery.
According to a report published by IDC, Lenovo has managed to gain tremendous ground with the huge success of smartphones in India. With a huge spike in the online sales, Lenovo is in the second spot of leading smartphone brands in the country.
Lenovo Phab 2 offers AR support
Moreover, the Phab 2 also ships with advanced augmented reality (AR) effects infused inside the camera app. The handset also offers 3 microphones to not only record audio but also to provide noise cancellation capabilities.
Lenovo Phab 2 features Dolby Audio Capture 5.1 sounding technology paired with active noise cancellation with dedicated microphone.