Home News LinkedIn to Integrate Games for Increased Engagement

LinkedIn to Integrate Games for Increased Engagement

LinkedIn to Integrate Games for Increased Engagement

The professional networking platform LinkedIn is stepping outside of its traditional niche and venturing into the realm of gaming. The company has confirmed that it’s developing in-app games intended to add an element of fun, strengthen connections between users, and perhaps even spark interesting conversations.

Key Highlights

  • LinkedIn aims to increase platform engagement through simple, puzzle-based games.
  • Users will play as representatives of their companies, and scores may factor into company rankings.
  • The move may help LinkedIn compete with social media platforms that have entertainment features.
  • Some gaming titles under development include “Queens,” “Inference,” and “CrossClimb.”

LinkedIn has a reputation as a strictly career-oriented online space focused on networking, job applications, and professional development. While this will remain its core purpose, the move towards gaming signals a desire to broaden its appeal and keep users engaged on the platform for longer periods. App researcher Nima Owji was among the first to uncover LinkedIn’s gaming plans, and the company later confirmed its experimentation to TechCrunch.

The addition of games could have several advantages for LinkedIn. First and foremost, it could encourage users to spend more time on the platform by offering a fresh way to interact. Games may also help to break the ice or provide common ground for conversations between LinkedIn connections. Additionally, if companies are ranked or scored based on how their employees perform in the games, it could inject a sense of playful competition into the mix.

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The Future of LinkedIn Gaming

LinkedIn has been tight-lipped about specific release dates or whether gaming features will be exclusive to premium members. There’s also the question of whether Microsoft’s vast gaming division, which owns Xbox, will have any involvement in the development of LinkedIn’s in-app games.

This unexpected move positions LinkedIn to compete with more entertainment-focused social media platforms. Other apps, including Snapchat, TikTok, and Netflix, have already found varying degrees of success in offering gaming experiences. It remains to be seen whether LinkedIn users will fully embrace a shift from professional focus to playful competition.


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