Home News HI-FI RUSH: Celebrating the First Anniversary with Update 7

HI-FI RUSH: Celebrating the First Anniversary with Update 7

As HI-FI RUSH marks its first anniversary, fans are treated to Update 7, a comprehensive patch that not only celebrates this milestone but also significantly enhances the game’s mechanics and player experience. This update introduces expanded controller support, critical gameplay refinements, and an exclusive Anniversary T-Shirt Bundle, further solidifying HI-FI RUSH’s position as a beloved rhythm-action title. Let’s dive into the symphony of updates and celebrate a year of rhythmic adventures.

Key Highlights:

  • Anniversary T-Shirt Bundle featuring unique platform-exclusive shirts.
  • Expanded controller support with additional icons for PC.
  • Fixes for various gameplay and visual bugs, enhancing player experience.
  • Improved synergy and functionality of in-game arcade machine and jukebox.
  • Patch addresses specific issues with achievements, battles, and rhythm parries.

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HI-FI RUSH, the rhythm-action game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks, is celebrating its first anniversary with a significant update. Update 7 introduces new features and addresses several bugs, further refining the gaming experience. Here’s a detailed overview of the patch notes:

Expanded Controller Support and Visual Fixes

Update 7 broadens the controller support for PC players, adding additional icons to cater to various preferences. This enhancement ensures a more personalized and comfortable gameplay experience for a wider range of players. Additionally, the update fixes a critical texture issue in a cutscene before Track 03, ensuring a seamless visual narrative.

Gameplay Improvements

Several gameplay bugs have been rectified in this update. Issues with achievements “No Door Unturned Lvl. 3” and “Challenge S-Ranker Lvl. 3” not unlocking on the Wall of Fame have been addressed. The patch also resolves a problem with the Directional Parry triggering during rhythm parries in the Rhythm Tower, maintaining the consistency of gameplay mechanics.

Battle and Final Boss Fixes

The update improves the gaming experience during battles, particularly addressing a bug when loading auto-save data during the Korsica battle in Track 07, which previously led to incorrect “Damage Received” in the final results. Moreover, a critical fix has been made to the phase transition of the final boss in Track 12, where the rhythm parry was not proceeding as intended despite successful execution.

Enhanced In-Game Features

HI-FI RUSH’s in-game arcade machine and jukebox have been repaired to improve synergy and correctly play songs when interacting with each other in the Hideout. This adds an extra layer of immersion and interactivity within the game’s environment.

Platform-Exclusive Anniversary T-Shirt Bundle

To commemorate the game’s first anniversary, the update introduces the Anniversary T-Shirt Bundle, including four new shirts plus an additional exclusive shirt based on the gaming platform—Xbox, Steam, or Epic Games Store. This feature allows players to customize their character’s appearance with unique and platform-specific designs.

Update 7 for HI-FI RUSH not only celebrates its first year since launch but also enhances the overall gaming experience through various bug fixes and optimizations. The expanded controller support and the inclusion of the Anniversary T-Shirt Bundle are notable additions, further enriching the game’s appeal to its dedicated fan base.