1More has launched 1M301 single driver in-ear headphones with a mic in India recently. According to 1More, these earphones have been tuned by the Grammy Award-winning producer, mixer and sound engineer, Luca Bignardi. The price of these earphones are 2,799 INR and comes with one year warranty and is already available to buy online from Amazon.
The drivers in 1M301 have a triple layer diaphragm with aerospace grade metal to provide incredible highs, present mids and powerful bass. The ear tips are angled so it can naturally fit your ear canals, four sets of ear tips ensure a perfect and comfortable fit.
- Cable length: 1.25 m
- Sensitivity: 98dB
- Plug: 3.5mm guided
- Weight: 14.5g
- Frequency Range: 20-20,000 Hz
- Control: Inline remote
- Wire Materials: Enameled Copper Wire
The perfectly designed chambers of the 1M301 provide great stabilization and have optimal space for sound resonance. This also makes the bass and beats more recognizable. The inline remote control is compatible with every smartphone you owns whether it is Android or iOS. The remote control is also equipped with superior MEMS microphone to take calls. The body is made of light aluminum alloy and cables consists of interior enables copper wrapped around Kevlar fiber.
You can know more about these amazing earphones on the official website page here. These earphones retail for Rs. 2,799 on online stores including the official 1More store and Amazon.