Chinese smartphone company launched Mi Max in India on 30 June. Only two out of the three variants of the phone have been launched in the country. Ritualistically, the devices are going to go on a flash sale on the company’s official website on the 6th of July. Sale on all other partner platforms will start on 13 July. The company also released MIUI 8.
The metal body phone is available in three colors: gray, gold and silver colors. The lower variant costs Rs. 14,999, and runs on Snapdragon 650, with 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. The higher variant costs Rs. 19,999, and runs on Snapdragon 652 processor, with 4GB RAM and 128GB ROM.
The device comes with an IR blaster installed that allows it to control home appliances like AC, TV and Refrigerators.
Xiaomi Mi Max Specs:
- 6.44-inch Full-HD display
- Corning Gorilla Glass 3 2.5D glass
- 4850mAh battery
- 16MP camera with PDAF
- 5MP front camera with Beautify
- Fingerprint scanner at the back
- Supports all of India’s 4G LTE bands and VoLTE
At 7.5mm, sporting a 6.4-inch display and 203g weight the phone is a phablet with MIUI 8 with its advantages, and one of them is dual, thus negating the inconvenience of having to log in and out of the same app.
The phone also allows multiple users like a PC. Users can make profiles and get access to the same with all the data stored in their profile. Other unique features include scrolling screenshots and dialler with Hindi search.
The company has had a very successful run in India with their devices so far, and the new phablet targeted at a large population with large display seems to be the right move.
Check out our initial impressions video below: