Chinese tech website has leaked the image of an upcoming Xiaomi 1080p Smart IP camera which is going to launch on 4 August 2017. The images displayed the camera itself which looks like a white Rectangular Box with a black circular camera module on the top. At the bottom of the camera, there is two hole which indicates some kind of notification led and sensor.
Further, This whole camera unit is sitting vertically on a rotatory motor mechanism which claims to rotate a full-360 degree horizontally at a speed of 110 degrees per second. However, it is very interesting to know that how this camera module performs while rotating to that speed. We hope that camera will be packed with some kind image stabilization unit like OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) and EIS (Electronic Image Stabilization).
Nonetheless, the other leaked image shows the specs of the camera in the Chinese language. So here are some of the specs.
- Verticle Rotation up to 93 degrees
- Horizontal rotation up to 360 degrees
- Rotation speed 110 degrees per second
- 120-degree wide-angle lens
- Focal length- 17mm
- 18-grade gray reduction night vision
- USB port
The camera is expected to release in Chinese market via company’s online store and may be available for the global market in a couple of months. This feature camera is the new addition in the Xiaomi ecosystem of products, as the company has already launched the wide variety of innovative tech product in the global market and they are highly successful. We hope that this current offering from the company can create a new sales record in the Chinese market.