Apple is expected to host an event sometime in April to launch its next generation of iPad devices. Among the hardware set to be launched then include the new third-gen 11-inch and fifth-gen 12.9-inch iPad Pro devices.
Also, unlike previous-gen iPad launches, the new model won’t just be about an incremental hardware upgrade. Rather, what makes the forthcoming iPad models special is the fitment of Mini-LED displays. Also, unlike the traditional OLED panels, the new mini-LED panel is essentially an LCD panel that is lit up by scores of mini-LED diodes each measuring 0.2 μm or less.
This results in a much-improved display quality comprising of deeper blacks and improved brightness, all of which lead to sharper contrasts. Such displays are known to be frugal on battery power too. Also, the latest report on this is claiming the mini-LED panels set to be fitted on the upcoming iPad will be sourced from LG, which is going to be a first for Apple.
However, mini-LED panels are known to have a high cost of production, which means it is best suited for flagship devices only. This should explain persistent rumors on this that has been claiming the mini-LED displays would only make it to 12.9-inch iPad Pro and not the 11-inch models. That said, there are reports of such displays eventually making it to other Apple devices such as the MacBook and the iMac.
Among the other significant change to be expected with the new iPad Pro models is the new A14X processor that it will come powered with. This again is believed to be in the same league as that of the Mi Silicon chips that Apple recently introduced on the MacBook range. In fact, the forthcoming iPad Pro is also expected to be compatible with macOS apps as well, which will enhance its functionality by several notches.
Meanwhile, renders of the upcoming iPad models as conceived by Zeroth Element reveals a flat middle frame. Also, the rear will continue with the same square rear camera module comprising of a twin lens set up. The lidar scanner though is shown to be quite smaller while having a convex shape for the lens.
We expect to have more details on this as we approach the launch window. Keep watching.
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