Uber announced the launch of a new API feature for Indian users at a hackathon in Bangalore, the first of its kind in Asia by the taxi-hailing service attended by 12 different groups. The API gives the riders freedom to connect to third party apps of their choice during their trips.
The feature will be available for Indian as well as the global developers and is being introduced to make the riding experience better.
The new feature has been made available under Uber Trip Experiences and is the biggest update to the Uber API after the Ride Request API release in March 2015.
With API, the riders can now stay connected to their favorite apps during the ride, as the content of the app will be tailor made according to the particulars of each ride. The new Uber feature customizes the content according to the length and location of the ride. Here are some of the ideas.
Entertainment: 10-minute playlists for a 10-minute trip.
News: A five-minute news update for a five-minute trip.
Head of the business, Uber developer platform, Dmitry Shevelenko, said the API Uber Trip Experiences integration offers unlimited possibilities ranging from news and entertainment to local guides and much more.
In his statement, Shevelenko said that Uber Trip Experiences is dedicated to making the riding experience for its riders better as the company values their time and hence is already seeking various ways to enhance the level of enjoyment and time utility during the ride.
Uber is also planning to build its first development center in Bangalore where the engineers will develop features and services customized for Indian riders.